Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Rain on my parade

Mumbai is drowning, again.
Blame the city infrastructure, apathetic BMC or even as some other people do ... That shithole deserves it.
I really dont care anymore, because even if all of these things play their part in creating the mess, there is a larger pattern here. Calcutta, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad all got inundated at some time or the other.

Either all our cities are getting more crowded and weaker in terms of infrastructure (which I am sure they are) or there is another possibility.
The climate is worsening, against us. This violent behavior of weather is a sign of global changes in the climate and is a fact the world over. Places with no rain for over 100 years reported rain in the last 2 years. Sea levels and tides are now a factor in the sewage systems of seaside cities.
Storms are being seen in places that had a 1 in a million chances of seeing them, more often.

I think that we as humans have altered how the climate behaves, because of our actions. Knowingly, Unwittingly, whatever be the reason. Some of us are not ever ready to admit that we could be the cause of all the destruction being heaped upon us. That is dangerous.
Because until we admit we are at fault, we wont do jack about it. And ironically, we have the means to do something about it all.

Then the question is, Why arent we doing what we can do to keep our planet alive?


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