Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tips and Tricks - Contacts Backup

A friend of mine says I know a lot about electronics and how to simplify some of the common stuff we do. So I should blog about it.
So Im thinking about doing it.

Tip1: How to move your contacts from one phone to another phone

You can transfer all your contacts to the simcard and then insert it in the new phone and copy them to the phone directory OR you can keep all your contacts on the SIM all the time.
Better to do both.

Look in your contact options or in the setting for a SIM contacts menu. Within that there will be a COPY ALL TO SIM and a COPY ALL FROM SIM option. Use these to transfer the contacts to the SIM and back out. Remember different phones have slightly different menus and locations for this option.

COPY ALL TO SIM >> Put SIM in new phone >> COPY ALL FROM SIM

1. Names come to only 10 characters
2. One number associated with each name
3. Other information is not copied

Good luck and Godspeed


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hate Losing

I hate stuff. A lot. All the time.
First coz I dont win anything. Secondly Im losing something as well.

Hate it most someone special is not going to be around. It hurts. A lot. Personally.

Sometimes it makes me believe I did something wrong, but its usually going to be 2 sided. Life goes on. Hurts like hell. Pain tells me Im alive.
But losing the friend is like a scar I did not want. Nor am I proud of.
I hate it. Cant stand it.
Hate Losing...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Blogging about the new old cam

I have a JVC GR D290
Old shit mini DV camera - At this point if you arent interested or did not understand LEAVE!
So I knew I could transfer video by firewire (done it before) but the USB was useless except for moving fotos from it. So I got a cable only to realize it was the wrong one.
So I charged it and messed around with it for an hour and voila! - I got it to do everything.
Record video and pics, transfer pics, transfer recorded video and live video (webcam mode)
Seemed like an achievement at the time so i blogged about it.
Then I realized why it was so big. I wanted it to work. Coz i needed it to. And it did. And it felt good. I wanted to brag about it. Tell everyone. Then I realized no one cared. No one needed to.
I did. And thats all that mattered.
Do your own thing for yourself. All the rest is bullshit.

Gyaani Blogger

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Ok, I gave up blogging for more than a year because I got very bored with all the questions about it.

However I have been bribed back into starting it :)
Yes, bribed to start it! Believe it or not, I truly enjoyed it and now thats the reason for this post. The bribe. Which I hope to get again, except as not a bribe.

Alright, stop screaming. I know SOME people thought I was bribed to stop and others tried to convince me to start again. But I realize its a lot of effort. Sometimes its not worth trying to crystallize your thoughts to share which people assume is the whole and soul of me.

Well anyways back to bribes.
Did you know that bribes are by definition give to people to do something they are NOT supposed to do. India has the distinction of bribing people for doing the jobs they are paid to do and supposed to do. What a wonderfully ass backwards people we are.

I like it when stupid municipal commisioners open their mouths (Bbay, Surat) and prove their calibre. Sadly in these cases, women proved they are no less stupid than men.
I like it even more when they blame an inept and large workforce and "outsiders" for their problems.

Life has a simple lesson. Control what you can and let go of what you cant or shouldnt. Get brains to recognize the difference. People can control corruption in politicians if WE have the political will. My question is different.
Do we have the brains to recognize that we can? And the political will to do what is needed?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The laziest blogger in the world

Hola amigos!
Long time and no blogging again. Guess was a little to busy with life :P
Im glad that for once, I was not being bored to death with whatever I am upto. There is a lot I have to be happy for and plenty to crib about. For now, I am content cribbing =P

I was thinking about religion the other day. Personally, this would be a good time for you to tune out in case you like arguing.
I feel that religion and spirituality are not really the same thing. I can be spiritual without been overtly religious. Religion is a set of beliefs, usually followed by a group with traditions and rituals. Spirituality is the belief in a higher power and on occassion submission to it, but mostly praying to it to be more than just human.

Why draw a difference between the two?
Coz religion is commercialized and sometimes dictates utter nonsense to us. God is infalliable, the humans who deliver / interpret his word are not. I prefer the voice inside me that tells me whats ok and whats not. It guides me well.

Im bored to death again, so here are some teasers for u to play with:

Pairs of primes separated by a single number are called prime pairs. Examples are 17 and 19. Prove that the number between a prime pair is always divisible by 6 (assuming both numbers in the pair are greater than 6). Now prove that there are no 'prime triples.'

In a country in which people only want boys, every family continues to have children until they have a boy. if they have a girl, they have another child. if they have a boy, they stop. what is the proportion of boys to girls in the country?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

10 interesting facts about sleep - Other than "Im sleepy"

1. The record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes during a rocking chair marathon. The record holder reported hallucinations, paranoia, blurred vision, slurred speech and memory and concentration lapses.

2. It’s impossible to tell if someone is really awake without close medical supervision. People can take cat naps with their eyes open without even being aware of it.

3. Anything less than five minutes to fall asleep at night means you’re sleep deprived. The ideal is between 10 and 15 minutes, meaning you’re still tired enough to sleep deeply, but not so exhausted you feel sleepy by day.

4. Dreams, once thought to occur only during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, also occur (but to a lesser extent) in non-REM sleep phases. It’s possible there may not be a single moment of our sleep when we are actually dreamless.

5. REM dreams are characterised by bizarre plots, but non-REM dreams are repetitive and thought-like, with little imagery - obsessively returning to a suspicion you left your mobile phone somewhere, for example.

6. Certain types of eye movements during REM sleep correspond to specific movements in dreams, suggesting at least part of the dreaming process is analagous to watching a film

7. Elephants sleep standing up during non-REM sleep, but lie down for REM sleep.

8. Some scientists believe we dream to fix experiences in long-term memory, that is, we dream about things worth remembering. Others think we dream about things worth forgetting - to eliminate overlapping memories that would otherwise clog up our brains.

9. Dreams may not serve any purpose at all but be merely a meaningless byproduct of two evolutionary adaptations - sleep and consciousness.

10. Scientists have not been able to explain a 1998 study showing a bright light shone on the backs of human knees can reset the brain’s sleep-wake clock

Monday, March 31, 2008

Bloggin without pictures! - Schumi the great

The reason why i love the arrogant Schumacher, is that he gives his very best to whatever he does
F1 - Probably holds the record for holding and breaking the most records
And now he wins a bike race! Ok its a sidey thing, but i mean come on!!

The new F1 championship seems to shaping up nicely, All I can hope for is that LH and KR have the guts to make it an interesting sport for us all.
Keep watching and cheer for your favorite
All I know is that the sport is winning!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Welcome to the good life

Love going to a new hotel for the first time.
Service industries love upgrading me when I show my pretty face for the first time there. They might do it to you, if you show your ugly mug there too.
Anyways, love this suite. The panaroma was take from the entrance in the outer room, Yes that little curtain points to the bedroom, dresser and washrooms.

An outer room with a piano? Boy i cant play anymore but i still created a ruckus :P

Only sad thing was I wasnt there long enough to enjoy it all. I always love to take things slow and enjoy the feeling of being taken over completely by an experience.

Food, leisure, whatever things. Damn i need more time to sleep!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Late post - Valentine's day massacre

Left: Heart

Right: Broken Heart

>:D Hehehe, took this at a much needed snack meal on a trip. It was damn tasty!

Vday is kinda sad coz all the couples are under so much pressure to do "something" and the non couples are tryin to find "someone".
Chances are if you havent found someone in the entire year, nothing will happen on this day either. The part that really gets me though is how people forget during a celebration that they are acutally celebrating people. And it is these people who make or break the day for everyone.

Love someone, love anyone, you will be loved back. All the time for some you, sometimes for all of you.

PS: Love is not the soulmate finding nonsense that most horny humans go through wasting most of their productive uptime on.

How to grow a few Paris Hiltons

Look at this picture carefully

This was a toy on sale for kids at a supermarket - "Fashion Teenies"
What is right with the people who made this! I was stunned to see that these are the fantasies that some poor impressionable kid will play with and probably have a lopsided view of the world forever.

I was just sick with it

Dont really feel like saying anything more