Sunday, July 26, 2009


Ok, I gave up blogging for more than a year because I got very bored with all the questions about it.

However I have been bribed back into starting it :)
Yes, bribed to start it! Believe it or not, I truly enjoyed it and now thats the reason for this post. The bribe. Which I hope to get again, except as not a bribe.

Alright, stop screaming. I know SOME people thought I was bribed to stop and others tried to convince me to start again. But I realize its a lot of effort. Sometimes its not worth trying to crystallize your thoughts to share which people assume is the whole and soul of me.

Well anyways back to bribes.
Did you know that bribes are by definition give to people to do something they are NOT supposed to do. India has the distinction of bribing people for doing the jobs they are paid to do and supposed to do. What a wonderfully ass backwards people we are.

I like it when stupid municipal commisioners open their mouths (Bbay, Surat) and prove their calibre. Sadly in these cases, women proved they are no less stupid than men.
I like it even more when they blame an inept and large workforce and "outsiders" for their problems.

Life has a simple lesson. Control what you can and let go of what you cant or shouldnt. Get brains to recognize the difference. People can control corruption in politicians if WE have the political will. My question is different.
Do we have the brains to recognize that we can? And the political will to do what is needed?


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