Thursday, November 15, 2007

Foot loose and Fracture free

When the urge to blog fades away, what do you do?
I dont blog. Simple.
But over the past few weeks I have been footloose and fracture free and am happy for that.
I can atleast move around, with some difficulty, but its better than being able to do nothing at all. Scarier thoughts in my head told me I was lucky, not to break anything, lose anything, receive wounds far graver than the scratches that will fade. The strangest thing I thought was, what happens to the people who receive deep emotional scars.
Physically, We can heal, use our crutches and move on. What happens to the emotionally crippled? Who or what are their crutches? Being as predictable (sic) as emotions what would these crutches do when leaned on too much? Strange, sad things to think about, but they gave me an insight into why attention seekers, seek attention. It told me why kids love people who pay attention to them and still are too silly to realise whatever they receive from their parents is the deepest sacrifice, not required, but given freely.
If there ever was a good time to thank God, it was then, yet all I could think about is whether anyone other than me was hurt. And then shout at the driver for a few seconds. Such contrast within a few moments ... Guess thats what makes us human


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